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2022 Statement Against Modern Slavery: Prevention & Termination

By Coates


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What is Modern Slavery?

Modern slavery is a crime that violates fundamental human rights and deprives individuals of their liberty through exploitation for another party’s personal or commercial gain.  

Examples of Modern Slavery

Modern slavery can take many forms. Some examples include human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, child labour, forced or servile marriage, the sale and exploitation of children and debt bondage.  

Our stance on Modern Slavery

Coates Group recognises the magnitude and impact of modern slavery across the world, and we wholeheartedly oppose and denounce modern slavery in all its forms.

By formalising our opposition to modern slavery, we have developed our Modern Slavery Statement that outlines our stance and supporting actions through:    

  • Internal education and awareness building   

  • Setting clear expectations with our suppliers   

  • Proactively managing our supply chain partnerships  

  • & Escalating any suspicion of modern slavery practices  

By doing our part to putting an end to modern slavery, we bring more awareness to the issue at hand and hold ourselves accountable to source products and services from suppliers who comply with all laws and regulations and support fundamental human rights.  

Furthermore, we are committed to addressing and ending modern slavery by working with partners who ensure fair, dignified workplaces and conditions are put in place for their employees and those we engage with. We also hold our partners accountable for identifying, mitigating, and remedying any potential modern slavery risks within their operations and will not hesitate to terminate our relationships with those that do not comply with our stance on modern slavery.  

Each year, Coates will be providing an updated statement on modern slavery that describes our actions to address the risks associated with this crime. 
